Emotion-Fulfilled EnergyU
Use your emotion to induce a 100% ratio of the togetherness with the Universe!


Emotion-Fulfilled EnergyU

The configuration of the universe is provided as a game.
Setting a white frame as a Matter, a gray frame as a Dark Matter,
and a black frame as a Dark Energy,
A 4.9% togetherness to be provided when three white frames are together
(entire Matter)
A 26.8% togetherness to be provided when three gray frames are together
(entire Dark Matter)
A 68.3% togetherness to be provided when three black frames are together
(entire Dark Energy), and
A 100% togetherness to be provided when each of three white, gray, and black frames, total nine frames are together
(entire Universe)
Use your emotion to induce a 100% ratio of the togetherness with the Universe!
You must be super because you are together with the Universe!

Screen's Image

Have one black and one gray matches.
68.3%/3 + 26.8%/3 = 32%

Your emotions

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Concordance rate

Let's play the“Emotion-Fulfilled EnergyU”
in your smartphone !

Android version

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iOS version

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